The following ladies are winners of the Auriful thread sampler packets: #7 Brenda Decker #110 Linda (no last name) #137 Suzanne Bever #57 Sharon S. #79 Linda Roberts #44 Rhonda D. The winners will be contacted via email (if they have provided an email in their comments or if they have an email listed in their profiles). They will be contacted within the next two days. Thanks to everyone who entered this giveaway. And a very special thanks to Aurifil for hosting this giveaway for our blog.
Our newest giveaway sponsor is Aurifil Threads and as it says on their website - 'perfectly suited for every quilt project'.
But there is more! 12wt wool for Folk Art and country style stitches;
Aurifloss - 6 strands cotton thread on precious spools; and Aurifil
Monofilament Invisible Thread.
There are 4 cotton thread weights from Aurifil and if you are a winner, you'll get to try them.
100% MAKO' COTTON 12 WT for heavier thread effects for cross stitch, lace, long arm quilting, machine applique, embroidery, quilting and more.
100% MAKO' COTTON 28 WT for cross stitch, hand applique, piecing and quilting, and by machine when you want the thread to stand out.
100% MAKO' COTTON 40 WT for cross stitch, lace and machine quilting and embroidery.
100% MAKO' COTTON 50 WT for hand applique and piecing and for machine applique, embroidery, piecing and quilting.
We have six Sampler Packs of Aurifil to give away and each has 5 spools.
Sampler Pack contains a 12ct Wool, and the Mako' cottons in each weight
shown above. (Each package has different colors so you may not receive
the pack shown above). There will be SIX WINNERS this time so more of you get to try out this amazing thread. So here's what you have to do. Let's make it easy!
Like Aurifil on Facebook
and come back here to this post and leave a comment that you did. You
might also want to leave a comment on their Facebook page as to how much
you like Aurifil but it's not an entry.
Like our Facebook Page and
come back here to this post and leave a comment that you did. We'd
love it if you left a comment on our Facebook page but it is not an
If you are interested in stitching/sewing/quilting with World of Charity Stitching, join us at our Yahoo Group. This is not an entry but we would love to meet you.
This giveaway will run from Thursday, April 18th through Sunday, April 28th. Be sure there's a valid email address to contact you! This contest is open to US residents only - sorry.